Friday, September 21, 2012

bagai kambing di cucuk pedang lidah

hye...  slmt malam semua

hope have a great nite and life

eton nak share dan mntk pendapat sikit2 lah....

apa yang korang faham ttg aktivit berkumpulan ?? ataupon perhubungan rakan sekelas atau straight to the point communication in getting some decision making with a group of people ???

eton bkn pe... kdang2 x faham jgk... or, decision making yang dibuat, mgikut culture stiap ngeri2 ke apa??

salah kah jika dibuat sistem as-syura ?? or make it simple... discussion ..

sesetengah manusia2 skrng ni, lbh slesa berdiscuss sesama geng2, atau teman2 rpat.. dgn mmbiarkn teman2 yang tidak rpat seperti kambing masuk bndar... doesn`t know anything...

sekarang dduk promote 1 Malaysia, tp perpaduan 1 kelas pon, cam taik!! ...  so cm ne tu ??
bkn nk mnuduh atau myakitkn hati... tp tu la...
if the decision making does only affect and related with your geng2, x apa... go ahead... But, it relate with all class members..

please, ....   but the decision has been made.. we all accept the decision ...

so, just to ask for everyone... please discuss with your buddies be4 make some decision or plan.. its normal if have any objection from team members..

sbgai peringtan sesama kite..  :)

not all what we are doing, people like... but try to be a good slave of Allah S.W.T

**    hope the plan that has been planning, going smoothly... klo x nk kitaorg turut serta dlm AJk pon xpe...  we all accept with redha and ikhlas...

Then, in the weakness, all could do that night was sitting alone at  favourite spot in the room, quietly letting bitter tears free, crying out to God Almighty, the only one who would listen to him. Hoping for forgiveness, protection and guidance.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

kepuasan melampau


post be4 this, eton de cite yg kuar pie pasar malam kan...

nk dijadikn crite... plan yg dicncel ntk khmis tu, dibawa ke jumaat tghhri...

so, plan going so nice.. pkul 11am dh slow2 gerak dr rumah ke bndar dungun... with my rumate
kebetulan rumate naik bus ke seremban pkul 11.30am..

eton smpai awl, smntra tnggu kwn2 lain.. jln2 lah ke mydin.. beli brg2 sikit.. hehehehe...
12.00pm all my date friends arrived..
bncng2 lah nk ke mane... Yana bg cdngan pie KFC ntk lepak, mkn2... tmbhan2, de aircone..

smua ON... at kfc, eton order XMEAL.. mkn x ingat org dh lah... kene pulak dgn burger Zinger... hehehehe...  :)) 

lihat lah hidangan2 yg diorder... hehehe
 makan plus berbual2..
maklum lah dh lame x mkn skli, kuar skli...
kalau jmpa pon, selisih dlm U je lah..

biar eton mmperkenalkn date2 eton semalam...
yana, niza, mona, me
semua ini, ex rumate time semester 1.. hehehe..
yana n mona 2 years young than me n niza...  :))

but, umur tidak mmbatas kan pergaulan n grau senda kami... 

some of pictures after enjoy the meal

lepas je org2 baliks smbyg jumaat..
kitaorg slow2 beredar untuk cuci mata ke kedai2 di bndar dungun...
dari 1 kedai ke 1 kedai kitaorg jelajah...

smpai lah, tibe2... alamak 3.45...  zohor x lg..
cpat2 tamat kn niat ntk cuci mata....
mncari msjid terdekat...

abis je zhor, sdng elok nk kuar msjid... azan asar...

lepas settel apa yg ptot...

pie lah singgah ke taman permainan berdekatan dgn msjid..
mmg nsib baik... hari jumaat semalam... cuaca sngt elok.. x panas, x redup... sedang2 je..

lepak lah di taman, smntra yana lak pie dating dgn pakwe die.. hehehehe
smntra tu, bergmbar2 lah... mona lah yg suggest ambik tmpt ni... view yg cntik

mintak tlg dak ppuan yg tgh dating ntk snap picture... hehehe

syg kamo!!

alhamdulillah... smua berjalan dgn lncar...
eton sampai di rumah pukul 7.15pm.. bygkan dr kul 12pm hngga 7pm lepak... hehehehe
dlm keadaan hujan lebat with van kunyit...

one of my sweet memory  
love uols

thumb up!!

alhamdulillah... baru 4 hari kelas, dh dpt cuti lama  :))
seperti yg sedia maklum, negeri Terengganu cuti from friday, saturday and sunday...
kebetulan pulak, isnin eton just ada 2 clases... huhuhu....

mmg bohsan lah kan..
so, ada lah plan2 ntk habis kan duit... hehehhee

ikutkn plan, hari khmis ptg..
sepatutnya, eton kuar reunion dgn kwn2 hostel time sem 1.. but, hujan, ribut, kilat kuat ...
so, cancel..

tibe2, hujn, ribut2.. dh stop sblum mgrib.. hehehehe..
apa lg... eton dgn rumate (k.did).. brsiap2..
untuk ke.......
pasar malam di bndar  :)

tp niat tu. mmg nk ke pasar malam.. untuk mncri keperluan  :))

so... jln punye jln..
hujan turun... so, cri brg cpt2... trus blah ke bndr lak..


ini blouse yang dibeli  :)

niat utama : mau beli skirt labuh hitam  :))

 alhamdulillah... apa yg niat nk beli, di beli 

hepy nice evening